Year: 2010

So what is the Right material to choose for Woodwork?


So you have made your first visit to the market to decide on your interiors, visited @Home, HomeStop, Hometown, Home Center, Nolte, Veneta Cucine, checked out the neighborhood Modular Furniture & Kitchen Wala, spoken to the carpenter who did the house of so and so…….etc. etc……..Means that you are now more confused than you were when you started off, well…. welcome to home making :).

Costing your Woodwork – Do It Yourself Tips


“So how much will it cost”??? — Usually the first question that I get from prospects. While for exact costs you would need the detailed design & probably some professional help, doing a broad estimation is no rocket science & one can do this on her/ his own since woodwork consists of broadly 4-5 elements.