The Studio by Nandita Manwani

Polymer Shutters for Kitchen and Wardrobes

Polymer Shutters

I was looking for Hi Gloss finish options that are 100% waterproof for the utility and other open to the rain spaces and was recently handed a trial sample of Polymer Shutters by one of the manufacturers. While acrylic shutters have been around for some time (note that acrylic also happens to be a “polymer”) Polymer shutters are a recent introduction. The difference between the two is that Acrylic shutters have the acrylic sheet pasted only on one side of an MDF / Ply board, Polymer shutters have the polymer surface pasted on all the 6 sides of ply. Since the finishing is done in a factory polymer shutters are seamless with no edges showing and the shutter looks like one solid block. The manufacturing process also allows for innovative stuff like integrating the handle within the shutter etc.

I am in the process of testing the product’s capability to withstand direct sunlight, heat, change of temperature and rain … basically looking to check whether the seams come apart, material cracks or the gloss wears off … and will have an update shortly… till then if you happen to pass by our Interior Design Experience Center,  don’t be surprised to see a bright red polymer shutter outside unabashedly basking in the sun 🙂

8 thoughts on “Polymer Shutters for Kitchen and Wardrobes”

  1. Hello Nandita,
    I came across your wonderful blog recently and got many insights. We intend to renovate our kitchen. This time, we would like to go for Hi gloss shutters. While exploring various options, one vendor suggested polymer shutters, considering they are scratch resistant and they can be rebuffed later to look new, if scratches appear. However there are very limited colours. Are you aware of any other limitations? Which is better option for Hi gloss shutters – polymer or laminates? Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Vidya,
      Most of your questions are answered in the post here

      Also read

      I would also recommend that you avoid polymer shutters in the kitchen and go with hi quality regular acrylic if you want a gloss finish

      1. Hi Nandita!

        Thank you very much for the response. This is useful.
        For acrylic finish, does the thickness of acrylic sheet matter? Different vendors sell shutters varying from 0.8mm till 3mm and the price varies drastically. What is the recommended thickness?

        Thank you!

  2. Hi Nandita,
    Can you please tell me from where can I get these polymer kitchen shutters?
    Bengaluru or anywhere else in India.

    1. Polymer shutters have more or less been discontinued. There were a number of issues including less scratch resistance, warping etc. You can choose membrane or acrylic finish shutters instead

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