The Studio by Nandita Manwani

Interior Design Best Practices in Bangalore

Interior Design,Interior design best practices in Bangalore
Interior design best practices in Bangalore

Interior Design & The Culture of Space

Each space, the way it is designed, built, maintained, kept dirty or kept clean exudes a certain culture, that culture drives the behavior and life of the people occupying the space – be it a family, office staff, visitors or shoppers. This is perhaps the same reason why pan gets spit in spitted corners and not in clean corners and why garbage is dumped on un-maintained land just because the land is anyhow unclean and a bit more garbage will not change its nature.

Let’s take this a step further – if the manner in which a space is built and maintained can determine the way people behave in it then can we not consciously Design spaces to cultivate a certain culture and behavior? The answer to that is an absolute YES

Interior Designers in Bangalore, interiors in bangalore, Material for Home Interiors in Bangalore, Material to use for Woodwork
Interior Designers in Bangalore, interiors in bangalore, Material for Home Interiors in Bangalore, Material to use for Woodwork

So what is the Right material to choose for Woodwork?

So you have made your first visit to the market to decide on your interiors, visited @Home, HomeStop, Hometown, Home Center, Nolte, Veneta Cucine, checked out the neighborhood Modular Furniture & Kitchen Wala, spoken to the carpenter who did the house of so and so…….etc. etc……..Means that you are now more confused than you were when you started off, well…. welcome to home making :).

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