Exploring the Interplay: Furniture Design versus Space Design versus Interior Design
“Design Furniture – You create Convenience, Design a Space – You create Comfort, Design a Home – You create Culture.” […]
“Design Furniture – You create Convenience, Design a Space – You create Comfort, Design a Home – You create Culture.” […]
Life stage based interior design is a concept that I have discussed on this blog multiple times but it will be good to give it a little more perspective and make it specific to each life-stage when a design intervention may be necessary…hence this blog post today. I trust you will find the thoughts relevant if you are planning to refurbish your home in line with your own life stage
The best-looking designs – and this is irrespective of the finish, colour selection or the money spent – are the ones that pay attention to attain an overall balance and symmetry.
Each space, the way it is designed, built, maintained, kept dirty or kept clean exudes a certain culture, that culture drives the behavior and life of the people occupying the space – be it a family, office staff, visitors or shoppers. This is perhaps the same reason why pan gets spit in spitted corners and not in clean corners and why garbage is dumped on un-maintained land just because the land is anyhow unclean and a bit more garbage will not change its nature.
Let’s take this a step further – if the manner in which a space is built and maintained can determine the way people behave in it then can we not consciously Design spaces to cultivate a certain culture and behavior? The answer to that is an absolute YES
The idea for this post came when, during a design discussion, the lady of the house said “I AM a Home Baker”, so I asked her to send me pictures of her present Kitchen just to get some pointers on how the new kitchen should be. To my surprise I saw very little baking equipment in there.
The Pandemic has brought profound changes to the way people live – be it the requirement of constant sanitization, the
When working with an interior designer, home makers usually expect just good woodwork and carpentry. The Q&A below discusses why customers should expect more from their designers and why that is not only good for the project but also for the Home Maker – Designer engagement.
In addition good interior design can be life changing for the occupants and helps in creating a living culture that stays with the family throughout their life
Chapter 1: It’s not the box babe’ – it’s your Life The boxes have taken over, where we live –
A lot of people wonder what makes a well-designed home different from, well, one that is not. I have dwelled
The Bar Unit was the show stopper in this project. This is one of our initial projects in the year 2013
One of the most tricky spaces at home in terms of design is the kitchen as it needs to be ergonomic, utilitarian, maximizing storage space as well as good looking all at the same time. The fact that the kitchen has “hot spaces”, “wet spaces”, “work spaces”, “wash spaces”…(I guess you get the idea) complicates the design even further.
I am giving below some practical best practices in kitchen design that I have learnt …
Project pictures of our work in the initial years in Bangalore – this was in the year 2011